- Purchase this course as a student using this link (means you will take the course online via our college as a student)
- Purchase this course as/for a guest using this link (means you/someone else will not complete the course online via our college as a student. However, you/they are welcomed to do so at a later date)
Take this first of a 2 short 8-week certificate course and learn the foundation of your faith by learning the answer to more than 90 biblical questions asked in the Christian Community that results in debatable and controversial answers. End the course with a deeper understanding of the word of God, plus being able to communicate your faith, and feeling so much more connected to God your creator.
The program was written by our Founder Dr. Dione Nancolas, who spent years learning her divine identity from her personal relationship with God through Christ, that begins with the topics of knowing who God and Jesus Christ is, and the full meaning of the Christian faith. Like her, you will learn that once you lay this faith foundation prior to finding your true self and your role, your life becomes less stressful, as you walk in the steps God ordered for you. Dr. Dione has successfully discipled many persons in many countries, who were able to start their own ministry of evangelizing and making disciples of others, and even to just have a deeper understanding of their faith and a deeper relationship with Christ.
Receive your accredited certificate from our accredited Spirit of Esther Theological Seminary. This course is a part of a two-part course, where if you also take and complete the second course, your certificate will be upgraded to a Diploma, where you will walk in our Graduation/Coronation wearing a crown and a beautiful gown along with the other Ladies.
Receive your personalized ring-binder journal with the complete course. It is personalized with your name on the cover, as well as ruled areas to write your answers, journal, and even include clippings of things about yourself. It’s a great keepsake of your journey to finding yourself.
Taking any certificate courses and completing them will also earn you a free membership position into the sisterhood arm of our ministry, the (STEP) Sisterhood of the Estherority Project, in the USA Virtual Chapter led by Dr. Nancolas. Visit STEP’s website to learn more about that ministry.
If you have questions or trouble processing your order, Call us or send us a text at: (208) 494-9399.
- Purchase this course as a student using this link
- Purchase this course as/for a guest using this link