Our theological beliefs and perspective can be thought of as conforming to the principles of a mix between the authentic classic, orthodox, Reformed theology and the contemporary Evangelical theology. We chose both these statements of faith to define the theology that shapes the Statement of our Faith. Because The Evangelical theology captures statements in the Reformed Orthodox theology, which is is the crucial foundation of the Presbyterian church, and as Charles Spurgeon noted, “Reformed theology is just another name for the theology of the Bible.” However, the Evangelical theology is defined more by what Evangelicals believe, and not by which church they attend, their political demographics, or how they identify themselves, as stated by the National Association of Evangelicals. Our theology therefore gives us room to not be restricted by any one denomination, which can be very limited and rigid. We need room to ebb and flow. Therefore, some of the key principles of our faith include the following.
- We believe in the triune God and His Creation: The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Though these are three distinct persons, they are one in essence and in spirit. We believe mankind was created by God as an expression of His love and His own need for relationship with them. He created all things for His good pleasure. He created mankind as male and female and commanded them to be fruitful and to multiply over the earth. God in His divine power and majesty spoke worlds into existence with a word, yet He inherently and personally cares for His people in every detail of their lives. Through His divine orchestration, God charts the course of history to fulfill His future plans to redeem a lost mankind. God is infinite and eternal, omniscient, and omnipotent. His holiness makes Him intolerant of sin, yet also loving to His people. He binds us in covenant with him, and he is always faithful to His covenant promises. There is only one true and living God: the Creator God; the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
- We believe that Jesus Christ is God’s only Son, and that he is the incarnate Word of God, fully God and fully man. And that in His humiliation, He gave up his throne in heaven and came to earth to be born through virgin birth. We believe he lived without sin even though he was tempted as men. Though he was innocent of any guilt, He suffered and died on the cross in perfect obedience to accomplish His Father’s will. In His exaltation, Jesus rose from the dead and ascended into Heaven, and will return one day in power and glory and judge and rule over all. Jesus now sits at the right hand of the Father in heaven, and as our High Priest, he intercedes on our behalf to the Father. We believe that the Holy Spirit was given from the Father and the Son, and manifested itself to the church at Pentecost. The Spirit teaches us the ways of Christ, comforts us as needed, and convicts us of our sin, prepare our hearts that we might repent and receive salvation.
- We believe that the Bible is the true inspired, infallible, and inerrant Word of God given to us as revelation and truth. We believe it is authoritative and sufficient as our guide to faith and life, and sufficient to provide direction for every human need including needs that are psychological, spiritual, and social. We believe the Scripture is the written witness to Jesus Christ, the living Word. The Scriptures are the trustworthy standard of the Christian faith and practice.
- We believe that the church is the Bride and Body of Christ, instituted by God and empowered by the Holy Spirit to do God’s work in the earth. That the body of Christ is the ecclesia; God’s legislative branch in the earth, placed in the earth to ensure that the Kingdom of God is represented in the earth, We believe that the ecclesia is placed above the Kingdoms of the world to ensure that they are in alignment with the culture of the Kingdom of God. Therefore, we believe that God has equipped His legislative body with all that is necessary to carry out this mandate by leaving us an array of supernatural spiritual giftings through the Holy Spirit, where we each can use these gifts uniquely to ensure that the culture of the Kingdom of God can affect the culture of the Kingdoms of this world. We believe that the body of Christ is the reflection of God through the person of Jesus Christ and manifests by loving, worshipping, serving, and making disciples of every tribe and tongue.
- W believe that man was created in the image of God. But that we are all sinners at birth, fallen through Adam and sinful by nature, and undeserving of any good merit on our own. But through the Father’s mercy through Jesus’ atonement on the cross, and the gift of the Holy Spirit, we have been spiritually born again as a new creation, saved by grace alone through faith. As a result we are therefore been justified, and made righteous through Christ, and was adopted and accepted as a child of God. And we are being sanctified, shaped more and more into the image of Christ, and transformed by the renewing of our mind. And that we will be glorified, given a new body and live in heaven in sinless existence, fitted for eternal life with Christ.
- We believe that there are heavenly beings created by God. The angels serve and worship God and are created to minister to the needs of His children through salvation in the earth. We believe that there is a Devil; a fallen archangel because of his selfish greed and rebellion, he was casted out of heaven with one third of the host of angels now called demons. We believe these demons carry out the work of the devil to torment and lead mankind away from the plans and promises of God. However, we believe, that because of the redemptive work of Jesus Christ done on the cross, those who find salvation through Jesus Christ alone have the authority to trample on and be victorious over the Kingdom of darkness.
- We believe we have been fearfully and wonderfully made, and pre-ordained before time for a particular purpose. And that as a child of God, through the gifts of the Holy Spirit, we are equipped for service to win souls to the Kingdom of God. We believe we are a citizen of the Kingdom of God, and that our first oath of loyalty is to that Kingdom. That we are simply an ambassador of heaven on assignment in the earth, and that though we may live in the world, we are not of the world. And that is our divine responsibility to lead the lost soul to God through Jesus Christ.